Joyce Speed
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Tel: 07594 610 880



Counselling for Couples

The aim of couples therapy is to explore the reasons for your martial distress, which may include poor communication skills, unrealistic expectations, or depression. 

The primary goal and purpose of couples therapy is to restore a better level of functioning between you and your partner. Couples therapy will help you both to gain a better understanding of yourself, and your partner. 

The focus of therapy will be to identify the patterns of interactions between you and your partner that have lead to dissatisfaction and distress in your relationship.

Once these have been explored and understood by you both, I will teach you skills and techniques to help change your thoughts, feelings and behaviour (How you interact and relate to each other), in order to enhance, and restore your relationship to a better and healthier level of functioning. 

The essential skills needed to engage in couples therapy successfully are: 

  • A sincere desire for change. 
  • The capacity to work together as a team.
  • Honesty -  the capacity to speak from your heart about what really matters. 
  • The motivation to change, even when things get difficult.
  • The willingness to engage in the process of reflection and non-judgmental enquiry.
  • A willingness to work towards and with the process of treatment.

And most importantly, the capacity to envision a better life together and a willingness to work on changing yourself and not changing your partner! 

Contact me in confidence on Tel: 07594610880 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to find out more.