Joyce Speed
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Tel: 07594 610 880



What do Cognitive Behavioural Therapy sessions Involve?   

Therapy has a beginning, middle and end.

At your first meeting, you will have an assessment, this will give you the opportunity to talk about your problems and ask questions. It will also give you the opportunity to see if this approach is suitable for you.

I will ask you about your current problems, and aspects of your life to get a more complete picture of you as a person and your situation and how your current problems affect you. 

Although CBT concentrates on the here and now, I will also ask you questions about your past life and background, because you may at times need to talk about the past to understand how it is affecting you now. 

We will work together to develop a shared understanding of what your problems are, what is maintaining your problem, how you would like things to be and what you will need to change to achieve this.

The middle part of therapy is where you will have the opportunity to decide your goals for therapy, and together we will look at ways in which you can work towards achieving your identified goals.

We will actively work together to look at your thoughts, feelings and behaviour and work on how to change these unhelpful thoughts and behaviours.

CBT teaches you skills to help you overcome your problems, however my role as a therapist will be to guide and encourage you, I cannot do it for you.

It may be easier to talk about an unhelpful thought or behaviour in session, however much harder to do something to change it.

After identifying an unhelpful thought or behaviour that you can change and how you may do so, it is recommended that you practice this change in your everyday life as an “in between session task”. 

Evidence suggests that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works best when you take an active part in the process.

Towards the end of therapy, we will review your progress together, discuss your therapy gains and draw up your continued improvement plan (Therapy Blueprint).

Sessions are usually attended weekly in the first instance and usually last 50 minutes.

The number of sessions may vary due to the nature and severity of your problems. However, CBT is time limited and a course of CBT may comprise of 6-12 session or more depending on the nature of your problem.

Contact me in confidence on Tel: 07594610880 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.